Project 1: Problem Statement
This project helped clarify the exact problem that need fixing, aswell as our proposed solutions on how to fix them. This project taught me a lot of valuable team work skills as writing a 13 page report distributed between 4 people while all remaining on the same page (literally, google docs) is not that simple.
Project 2: Ideation Presentation
This presentation is a continuation of our problem statement. This is where we bring our idea to life and sell our idea to the world. By doing a practice presentation, we received feedback from multiple different people on not only the presentation, but our idea as a whole. This project really opened my eyes to how important feedback is because we had to make a lot of changes before we felt that this presentation was the best it could be.
Project 3: Curriculum Vitae
As soon as I saw the syllabus for this course, I couldn't be more excited for this project. When applying to TAMUQ, I had a very nice CV and it got me admitted to the university. Unfortunately, I lost this CV and never got the chance to write a new one. With help from Dr. Amy, I was able to write a CV that will no doubt aid me in finding a summer internship in the near future.
Project 4: Poster
A poster is a very effective way to showcase a product. The reason this is the case is because the poster simplifies the technical aspects of the product while still explaining how it works. By making a poster to showcase our product, it opened my eyes to different forms of communication and how important visualization is. We worked with Ms. Esra who has been doing poster designs her entire life and she really helped us understand the difference between a good poster and a great poster.